Level 2, 161 Kite Street

Orange NSW 2800

Ph: 1300 661 390

PO Box 8194

East Orange, NSW 2800 

Level 8, 40 Miller Street

North Sydney, NSW 2060

Ph: +61 2 8925 8925

Property services: propertyenquiries@uglregionallinx.com.au

Finance & accounts: finance@uglregionallinx.com.au

Suppliers & procurement: crnprocurement@uglregionallinx.com.au 

Third party works: thirdpartyworks@uglregionallinx.com.au 

Heavy vehicle access: heavyvehicle@uglregionallinx.com.au 

Recruitment & employment: recruitmentteam@uglregionallinx.com.au 

Competencies, Protection Officers & RIW: learning@uglregionallinx.com.au

All media enquiries should be directed to CIMIC Group. Please click here for more information.

For recruitment and employment opportunities please contact: recruitmentteam@uglregionallinx.com.au 

Please click here for more information

If you are a member of the public, a representative of council or MP, calling about a community matter, please use our community line 1300 661 390


or email enquiry@uglregionallinx.com.au