Third party works are those activities occurring on the CRN that are not part of the maintenance and operation services performed by UGLRL. Any entity seeking to access Transport Asset Manager of New South Wales (TAM) land managed by UGLRL for any reason are required to hold third-party works permissions.
Third-party works permissions are required for such activities such as:
- asset inspections and surveys
- any construction work near or adjacent to TAM land where access through CRN assets, land or infrastructure may be required
- undertaking construction and upgrade work to services and amenities within the rail corridor. This may include installation or upgrade activities with waste/drainage systems, water pipelines, communication/NBN infrastructure, power and gas services
- undertaking maintenance of assets within the rail corridor. This may include maintenance to buildings that border TAM land and road maintenance at level crossings
- community events
- boundary fencing upgrades and installations.
Please note: If an event is not listed above, you must still ensure that appropriate permission is secured before entering the rail corridor. Please view all the information below, as incomplete applications will result in significant delays.
Processing times
The time taken to process third party works applications is dependent upon a range of factors, most importantly the complexity of the application. As a result of the complex and varied nature of applications, it is not possible to provide a fixed timeframe within which applications will be assessed.
The completeness and clarity of all information provided by an applicant in support of an application is a critical component of the assessment process. This is why applicants are encouraged to ensure all information relevant to their application is supplied on application, or when requested during the assessment process.
Approval in Principle
An application to seek Approval in Principle (AIP) is required for all major works e.g. new bridges, track realignment, private siding connections, rail infrastructure works or for an initial review of a proposed project.
Upon review of the application, an AIP letter will be provided outlining any initial conditions or requirements that have identified. An AIP is valid for a period of 12 months.
Approval in Principle does not permit the commencement of any physical works or activities. A construction application must be submitted, and an executed Licence issued before access to the land will be granted. Any conditions imposed in the AIP letter must be fully addressed in the construction application.
Application requirements
Please find below an outline of the documentation required to be submitted with the application.
- Approval in Principle
- Construction
- Service Installations
- Minor Activities
- Permitted Loading
- Road Resurfacing
- Road Resurfacing Non-Op Lines
Configuration management requirements
Configuration management is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of the Country Regional Network (CRN), playing a critical role in maintaining the integrity of assets and systems in compliance with the Principle of "So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable" (SFAIRP). Managing asset configuration changes in a controlled and effective manner is crucial for minimising safety and design risks associated with the operation and maintenance of the CRN.
License arrangements
Once approval of any works or access is authorised by the third-party works team, applicants are required to enter into a license with TAM (unless a pre-existing agreement is in place). Please be aware that any requested amendments to standard license terms incur legal fees.
Licensing fees
All applications incur and application fee as determined by Transport for NSW. Fees vary accordingly to the type of access required and the infrastructure being installed. Annual license fees may also apply. Please note that once licensing fees have been paid, these are non-refundable.
Accessing the CRN
The applicant and/or their contractors must familiarise themselves with the legal requirements related to accessing the CRN. This information will stipulate the training and competency requirements for entering the rail corridor. Please note that Safely Accessing the Rail Corridor (SARC) training does not automatically permit access to the rail corridor. Any person accessing the rail corridor must do so under an executed license.
Insurance requirements
Applications must include insurance certificates in the name of the company that will own the infrastructure or be undertaking the proposed activity within the rail corridor. The required level of cover for public liability is detailed below:
- $250 million for operational passenger lines
- $50 million for operational freight lines, or
- $20 million for non-operational lines
- $20 million is required for professional indemnity.
The insurance certificate must 'Name' Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales and UGL Regional Linx Pty Ltd (not 'Note' or 'Interested Party'). 'Naming' is also known as 'Jointly Insured' or 'Additionally Insured.'
If any of the above insurance requirements cannot be met, an application for concession can be considered. Please advise of this need when completing your application.
Service searches
If you plan to break ground or undertake evacuation work in the rail corridor, you are required to provide a Dial Before You Dig report with your application. This will ensure that you are aware of any services that are located in the area.
In addition to third party services such as power, gas or water, the rail corridor also contains buried infrastructure in relation to services, communication and signals for the CRN. If you are breaking ground within the rail corridor the applicant must also download and complete our TPW request for location of signalling services form.
Operational expectations
UGLRL expects all third-party access applications to include early notification of any potential impacts to the network. This early identification will allow for effective planning to be assessed and secured prior to permitting the works to be undertaken.
Furthermore, all third-party access applications that require access to the track must be planned in accordance with the network rules and procedures and wherever possible, aligned with the Network Possession Plan.
Applying for a Third Party Works application
Please review all the above information prior to contacting UGL Regional Linx. When considering this information, please view our Rail Network Map and ensure that the location for the Third Works application is within the Country Regional Network.
Please click on the following link to complete your
Contact us
For any questions or queries, please email our third party works team: